Hello- photo of the day-- Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy..... Make a wish!!!! Happy Mothers Day to all!!!! :)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Photo of the Day.... been a crazy- fun year- but am gonna try to post beautiful places for you... This is Sedona, Arizona- was up there with my friend Mark- showing him around..... Arizona is such a beautiful, diverse state!!! Enjoy! Smile!!! :)
Another sunny gorgeous day here in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. I have lots to say.... and am just starting out with this whole blog biz.... so any advice on how to muddle my way thru- and spread the word of fun..... well you would make my day- and in turn- I plan on sharing my fun adventures.....
So here goes- wish me luck..... and I promise.... I will tell you more.... about my world, and about trying new things.... like learning to surf, skydiving, interviewing famous people and how silly some of them can be....
Because you see.... I interview and I write.... and here might just be a place to tell you what I think......